Sunday, November 1, 2009

Self Analysis

Through my blogging I have become increasingly more knowable on the issue of the corporate tax rate in America. Furthermore I was come to realize how important the role the corporate tax rate plays in the economy. The corporate rate in America makes operating a business in America very expensive. As a result many of our corporations have outsourced their production to foreign nations to avoid one the highest corporate tax rate in the world. This creates problems for the U.S. treasury to collect on American corporate profits because it makes it easier for Corporations to hide and shelter profits in overseas subsidies. Additionally most of America’s corporate tax revenue is given to foreign nations compared to the amount that U.S. actually receives.
One thing that I have tried to correct in my argument is my biased toward the more conservative view on the corporate tax rate. I have over looked the liberal perspective on the corporate tax rate because I feel it restricts the success of our corporations. However through my research on the issue I have come to agree with some of the liberal arguments on the corporate tax. Mainly how currently loopholes in the tax policy allow overseas corporations deduct earnings before paying taxes back to the U.S. I think that by being able to identify some of bias in my debate has enabled me construct a more complete argument. I have also learned that constructing an argument is more about understanding both sides of a issue, so that you are more able to attack the opposing view better.'s%20Push%20To%20Levy%20Taxes%20On%20Overseas%20Profits%20Alarms%20Tech%20Giants/

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